Public Art Mural

Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
2020 - 2021 Public artist bootcamp

Art Interruptions : LAKE CITY

When I was young, I remember going on adventures with my Grandmother to Lake City while running errands. I often reflect on being young and gazing out the window at all the business signs which illuminated the sky. Later in life, I discovered the history of Lake City, and how it originated as a Railway passage. A passenger train ran through and had a stop entitled "The Lake". Eventually, Lake City developed an automobile relationship with Seattle that shaped Lake City's development and the neighborhood's character. 

Before all of this, the hah-chu-ahbsh (Lake People), now of the Duwamish tribe inhabited this region since the end of the glacier period, until The lake people lost their rights in 1854. Lake City was later incorporated into a township in 1949. The City of Seattle eventually annexed Lake City and other communities in 1954 when the city limits were expanded. 

My new temporary art installment entitled: "Here Before us" represents the history and neighborhoods that make up Seattle's Lake City area—while honoring Seattle's host tribe and our area's only indigenous tribe, the Duwamish Tribe.

Installment Location


Starbucks Mural
